Welcome to my blog! I'm coming out with a bang in this post. Feel free to comment and discuss your opinions on this as well. I promise not all my blogs will be this way but this subject really got me. Here goes...
I'm sure you have heard or seen the news article concerning the pageant mom that gives her daughter Botox injections and waxed her legs. I was completely appalled at this! I could not believe what I was seeing. What kind of world do we live in? I mean, I know things are not what they were when I was growing up but come on? Botox and leg waxing at age 8? What is this accomplishing except for giving your child a complex that will be with her for life? What's gonna happen when she is a teenager? Where does giving your child what they want stop? I for one am relieved that this is being investigated. Even if the daughter asked her mom for it because other girls were getting it done the mom should never have allowed it. When you become a parent, BE a parent. Kids don't know what's best for them. That's your job as parent to guide them in the right direction and protect them for goodness sake! I know I'm getting on a soap box here, but this really disturbed me. Parents are supposed to want to protect their children from things like this. You better believe I would never allow my child to talk me into something like that. I know I'm not a parent yet but I would like to think I would not be one to let my children dictate what they're going to do at such a young age. I pray this little girl doesn't grow up with a complex about who she is because of this. That would be a tragedy.
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